Department of BioSciences
Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Rice University
6100 Main St., MS 170
Houston, TX 77005-1827

Phone: (713) 348-2661
X: @ScottESolomon
Instagram: scottesolomon
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6376-5671

Teaching Professor (July 2024–present), Dept of BioSciences, Rice University, Houston, TX
Research Associate (Nov 15, 2009–present), Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
Fellow National (Feb 2023–present) The Explorers Club, New York, NY
Field Course Instructor (2018-2019), Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Gothic, CO
Associate Teaching Professor (January 2018–June 2024), Dept of BioSciences, Rice University, Houston, TX
Professor in the Practice (July 2013–December 2017), BioSciences at Rice, Undergraduate Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Rice University
Center for Teaching Excellence Fellow (June 2014–July 2017), Rice University
Faculty Fellow (September 2015-July 2017), Baker College, Rice University
Resident Associate (July 2010–July 2017), Baker College, Rice University
Lecturer and Laboratory Coordinator (Oct 2009–July 2013), Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Rice University
Visiting Scientist (Sept 2007–Sept 2009), Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

NSF International Research Fellow (Dec 2008- Sept 2009), Department of Entomology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Host: Ted R. Schultz, Ph.D.; (Nov 2007- Nov 2008) Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brazil. Host: Mauricio Bacci, Jr., Ph.D.
Ph.D. in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, The University of Texas at Austin, Aug. 2007; Dissertation Title: Biogeography and evolution of widespread leafcutting ants, Atta spp. (Formicidae, Attini) Supervising Professor: Ulrich G. Mueller, Ph.D.
B.S. in Cell and Structural Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2000
Undergraduate Research Advisor: Martin Wikelski, Ph.D.

ADDITIONAL TRAINING                                                                      
OpEd Project, December 2017
Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science Workshop, September 2016
Symposium and Workshop on New Methods for Phylogenomics & Metagenomics, February 2013
HHMI/National Academies Summer Institute on Undergraduate Education in Biology, June 2011
Molecular Evolution Workshop, Smithsonian Institution, June 2009
Santa Fe Science Writing Workshop, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 2006
Ant Course, California Academy of Sciences, Southwest Research Station, August 2002
Tropical Biology: An Ecological Approach, Organization for Tropical Studies, Costa Rica, 2001


Schultz, T R., Sosa Calvo, J., Kweskin, M., Lloyd, M., Dentinger, B., Kooij, P. Rehner, S., Vellinga, E., Rodrigues, A., Montoya, Q., Fernandez-Marin, H., Leal-Dutra, C. Solomon, S. E. Jesovnik, A., Bacci, Jr., M., Vasconcelos, H., Rabeling, C., Faircloth, B. Doyle, V. (2024) The coevolution of fungus-ant agriculture. Science 386, no. 6717: 105-110. DOI: 10.1126/science.adn7179

Solomon, S., Rabeling, C., Sosa-Calvo, J., Lopes, C., Rodrigues, A., Vasconcelos, H., Bacci, Jr., M., Mueller, U., Schultz, T. (2019) The molecular phylogenetics of Trachymyrmex ants and their fungal cultivars provide insights into the origin and co-evolutionary history of “higher-attine” ant agriculture. Systematic Entomology

Mueller, U.G., Kardish, M., Ishak, H., Wright, A., Solomon, S.E., Bruschi, S., Carlson, A., Bacci Jr., M. (2018) Phylogenetic patterns of ant-fungus associations indicate that farming strategies, not only a superior fungal cultivar, explain the ecological success of leafcutter ants Molecular Ecology 27(10): 2414-2434. DOI: 10.1111/mec.14588.

Mueller, U.G., Heather D Ishak, Sofia M Bruschi, Chad C Smith, Jacob J Herman, Scott E Solomon, Alexander S Mikheyev, et al. (2017) Biogeography of mutualistic fungi cultivated by leafcutter ants Molecular Ecology 26 (24): 6921-6937. DOI: 10.1111/mec.14431

Meirelles, L.A. Solomon, S.E., Bacci Jr., M., Mueller, U.G., and Rodrigues, A. (2015) Shared Escovopsis parasites between leaf-cutting and non-leaf-cutting ants in the higher-attine fungus-growing ant symbiosis Royal Society Open Science 2.9: 150257.

Meirelles, L.A., Montoya, Q.V. Solomon, S.E., and Rodrigues, A. (2015) New light on the systematics of fungi associated with attine ant gardens and the description of Escovopsis kreiselli sp. nov. PLoS ONE 10(1): e0112067. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112067

Meirelles, L.A., Mendes, T.D., Solomon, S.E., Bueno, O.C., Pagnocca, F.C., Rodrigues, A. (2014) Broad Escovopsis-inhibition activity of Pseudonocardia associated with Trachymyrmex ants, Environmental Microbiology Reports 6(4): 339–345.

Mendes, T. D. Borges, W. S., Rodrigues, A., Solomon, S. E., Vieira, P. C., Duarte, M. C. T., Pagnocca, F. C. (2013) Anti-Candida properties of urauchimycins from actinobacteria associated with Trachymyrmex ants BioMed Research International vol. 2013, Article ID 835081.

Mueller, U.G., Mikheyev, A.S., Hong, E., Sen, R., Warren, D., Solomon, S.E., Ishak, H., Cooper, M. Miller, J., Shaffer, K., Juenger, T. (2011) Evolution of cold-tolerant fungi permits winter fungiculture by leafcutter ants at northern frontier of a tropical ant-fungus symbiosis Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences doi: 10.1073/pnas.1015806108.

Mueller, U.G., Mikheyev, A.S., Solomons, S.E., Cooper, M. (2011) Frontier mutualism: Co-evolutionary patterns at the northern range limit of the leafcutter ant-fungus symbiosis Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0125.

Solomon, S.E., Lopes, C.T., Mueller, U.G., Rodrigues, A., Sosa-Calvo, J., Schultz, T.R., and Vasconcelos, H.L. (2011) Nesting biology and fungiculture of Mycetagroicus cerradensis (Formicidae: Attini): New light on the origins of higher attine agriculture Journal of Insect Science 11:12,

Bacci, M., Solomon, S.E., Silva-Pinhati, A.C.O., Mueller, U.G. Martins, V.G., Carvalho, A.O.R., Vieira, L.G.E. (2009) Phylogeny of leafcutter ants in the genus Atta Fabricius (Formicidae: Attini) based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51(3): 427-437. Epub 2008 Nov. 13, doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2008.11.005.

Solomon, S.E., Bacci, M., Martins, J., Gonçalves Vinha, G., Mueller, U.G. (2008) Paleodistributions and comparative molecular phylogeography of leafcutter ants (Atta spp.) provide new insight into the origins of Amazonian diversity. PLoS ONE 3(7) e2738. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002738

Martins, J., Solomon, S.E., Mikheyev, A.S., Mueller, U.G., Ortiz, A., Bacci, M. (2007) Nuclear mitochondrial-like sequences in ants: evidence from Atta cephalotes (Formicidae: Attini). Insect Molecular Biology 16(6): 777-784.

Solomon, S.E. and Mikheyev, A. (2005) The ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) fauna of Cocos Island, Costa Rica. Florida Entomologist 88: 415–423.

Solomon, S.E., Mueller, U.G. Schultz, T.R. Currie, C.R., Price, S.L., Bacci, M., Oliveira da Silva- Pinhati, A.C., Vasconcelos, H. (2004) Nesting biology of the fungus growing ants Mycetarotes Emery (Attini, Formicidae), Insectes Sociaux 51: 333–338.

“What do alligators do when it freezes?” Houston Chronicle, Jan 27, 2025
“Live in space? Someday. Live for space? ‘Spacers’ already do.” Houston Chronicle, Nov 27, 2023
“This startup wants to find out if humans can have babies in space” MIT Technology Review, Oct 20, 2023
“At Brazos Bend, Counting Alligators is a Family Affair” Houston Chronicle, Nov 27, 2022
“Ants – with their wise farming practices and efficient navigation techniques – could inspire solutions for some human problems” The Conversation, Nov 15, 2022
“Becoming Martian” Episodes 1-3 CuriosityStream, August 25, 2021
“The discovery of red dye from insects” Engines of our Ingenuity Episode No. 3257, June 29, 2021
“Insect chemical communication makes efficient delivery routes” Engines of our Ingenuity Episode No. 3256, June 15, 2021
“Lessons from 2020: To Avoid Future Disasters, Improve Science Communication” Baker Institute Blog Dec 15, 2020
“Evolutionary Lessons for an Interplanetary Future” ROOM Space Journal, Spring 2020
“Is Darwin Relevant Today?” Beyond Bones, February 12, 2019
“The Pangenesis Idea—Charles Darwin’s Biggest Mistake” The Great Courses Daily, Feb 8, 2019
“Climate Change Could Affect Human Evolution. Here’s How” NBC News, Sep 7, 2018
“Are Humans Still Evolving?” Houston Chronicle, Feb 12, 2018
“The Future is Mixed Race” Aeon, Feb 2, 2017
“Has Culture Replaced Natural Selection?” Yale Books Unbound, Nov 15, 2016
“The Martians Are Coming– And They’re Human” Nautilus, Oct 27, 2016
“The Man Who Predicted Our Evolutionary Future” Beyond Bones, September 21, 2016
“Summer School” Rice Magazine, Summer 2016
“The Rhythm of the Tide” Nautilus Quarterly, Winter 2015
“Conducting an Inventory of the Big Thicket” Rice At Large, Winter 2014
“A Bird’s Eye View” Rice Magazine, Spring 2014
“Sex changes, beheadings, and resurrection” Rice Magazine, Spring 2013
“The Science of Communicating” Rice At Large, Spring 2012
“We’re Not So Different, Slime Molds and Us” Slate Magazine, January 19, 2011
“Lucy 2.0: Famous Fossil Hominid Goes Digital”, February 6, 2009
“Can Ants Eat Your Computer?” Slate Magazine, May 20, 2008
“Do We Need the Original Lucy Fossil” Slate Magazine, September 7, 2007
“Slipping under Texas” The Daily Texan, January 26, 2006
“Protecting paradise” The Daily Texan, April 10, 2006
“Palm weevils constitute balanced diet” The Daily Texan, May 4, 2006
“Jumping and jiving with poison frogs” The Daily Texan, June 15, 2006

Solomon, S. (2016) Future Humans: Inside the Science of Our Continuing Evolution, Yale University Press: New Haven.
***named a “Best Book of 2017” by Science Books and Films/AAAS)***

Solomon, S. Becoming Martian: How Living in Space Will Change Our Bodies and Minds [Under Contract at MIT Press]

Wild World With Scott Solomon (2023-present) Podcast about scientific exploration and fieldwork; Creator, Writer, Producer, Host
Introduction to Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity (3-part series released in 2022) Series of three online courses available through Coursera
CityCast Houston Podcast (2021-present) Science Contributor
Why Insects Matter: Earth’s Most Essential Species The Great Courses/Wondrium (24-part series released in 2022); Writer, Presenter
D.O.R.K.S: Discussing Our Research and Knowledge Socially Live webinar series (2021-2022); Co-host
Becoming Martian CuriosityStream (3-part series released in 2021); Producer, Writer, Presenter
Engines of Our Ingenuity (2 episodes released in 2021); Writer, Presenter
What Darwin Didn’t Know: The Modern Science of Evolution The Great Courses (24-part series released in 2019); Writer, Presenter

National Geographic/Lindblad Expeditions, Antarctica
Houston Oasis, Houston, TX
Astrobiology and the Future of Life, Houston, TX
New Worlds, Houston, TX
Women’s Institute of Houston, Houston, TX
Children’s Museum Houston, Houston, TX
Mandarin Immersion Magnet School, Houston, TX
Rice Science Café, Houston, TX
Great Owl Eclipse, Bandera, TX
Rice Medical Humanities Symposium, Houston, TX
ComSciCon Houston, Houston, TX
Webinar – Humanity in Deep Space
Lamar High School, Houston, TX
Science 101, Houston, TX

New Worlds, Austin, TX
Lindblad/National Geographic Expeditions, French Polynesia
Lindblad/National Geographic Expeditions, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Renaissance Weekend, Beaver Creek, CO
The Women’s Institute of Houston, Houston, TX
Lamar High School, Houston, TX
Kolter Elementary School, Houston, TX
Houston Botanic Garden, Houston, TX

Houston Museum of Natural Sciences, Houston, TX
Children’s Museum Houston, Houston, TX
Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX
Big Thicket Day *keynote address*, Beaumont, TX
Rice Science Cafe, Houston, TX
Houston Philosophical Society, Houston, TX
Lindblad/National Geographic Expeditions, Belize
Society of Environmental Journalists Annual Meeting, Houston, TX
Texas Master Naturalists – Lower Trinity Basin Chapter, Liberty, TX
Hermann Park Conservancy, Houston, TX
Discovery School of Innovation, The Woodlands, TX
Skype A Scientist – Mead High School, Mead, NE

Main Street Theater, Houston, TX
University of Houston, Houston, TX
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil
University Laboratory High School, Urbana, IL
Webinar – Humanity in Deep Space
Texas Master Naturalists – Coastal Prairie Chapter, Rosenberg, TX

Space Center Houston’s Thought Leader Series, Houston, TX
University of Illinois School of Integrative Biology Undergraduate Convocation, Urbana, IL
TEDxRiceU, Houston, TX
Houston Maritime Museum, Houston, TX
Friendswood Rotary Club, Friendswood, TX
Punjabi University, Patiala, India

Renaissance Weekend, Charleston, SC
Lindblad/National Geographic Expeditions, Galapagos, Ecuador
Rice Space Science Institute Spaceport Frontiers, Houston, TX
Web Summit, Lisbon, Portugal
Space Settlement Symposium, San Marcos, TX
Houston Museum of Natural Science, Houston, TX
Space Humanity Seminar, Lexington, KY
Rice Space Institute, Houston, TX
Rice Science Café, Houston, TX
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Kountze High School, Kountze, TX
Fort Bend County Astronomy Club, Stafford, TX

Texas State University, San Marcos, TX 
Emory University, Atlanta, GA
International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Guarujá, Brazil
Dallas World Aquarium, Dallas, TX,
Taste of Science, Houston, TX (2x)
Clifton Middle School, Houston, TX (AAAS Classroom Science Days)
Rice Science Café, Houston, TX

Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA
TEDx University of Houston, Houston, TX
The Explorers Club, New York, NY
Porter Square Books, Cambridge, MA
The Avid Reader, Davis, CA
Science Under the Stars, Austin, TX
Heights High School, Houston, TX (Baker Institute Civic Scientist Program)
Science Café, College Station, TX
Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church, Houston, TX (Webinar)
Energized for STEM Academy, Houston, TX

Houston Museum of Natural Science, Houston, TX
Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Gothic, CO
Evolution 2016, Austin, TX
Lone Star College, Kingwood, TX
Rice Science Café, Houston, TX
Sierra Club Houston, Houston, TX
Texas Master Naturalists – Coastal Prairie Chapter, Rosenberg, TX
Garden District Book Shop, New Orleans, LA
Reagan High School, Houston, TX (Baker Institute Civic Scientist Program)
Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church, Houston, TX

AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Meeting, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Sciences, Baton Rouge, LA
Yale-NUS College, Singapore
Big Thicket Science Café, Beaumont, TX
Glasscock School of Continuing Studies, Houston, TX
Texas Master Naturalists -Coastal Prairie Chapter, Rosenberg, TX
Magnolia High School, Magnolia, TX (Baker Institute Civic Scientist Program)
Sharpstown International School, Houston, TX (Baker Institute Civic Scientist Program)
Center for Early Childhood Education, Houston, TX

Prior to 2015:
University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, TX (2014)
Evolution 2013, Snowbird, UT (2013)
Rice Science Café, Houston, TX (2013)
University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD (2012)
National Zoological Park, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC (2009)
Smithsonian Institution, Department of Entomology, Washington, DC (2008)
São Paulo State University, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil (2008)
XVIII Simpósio de Mirmecologia, São Paulo, SP, Brazil (2007)
Evolution 2007, Christchurch, New Zealand (2007)
International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Washington, DC (2006)
UT Science Summer Camp, Austin, TX (2006)
Explore UT, Austin, TX (2006)
Evolution 2005, Fairbanks, AK (2005)
Matthews Elementary School, Austin, TX (2005)
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, LA (2004)
International Union for the Study of Social Insects, Payson, AZ (2004)
Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Miami, FL (2004)
Evolution 2004, Fort Collins, CO (2004)
UT Science Summer Camp, Austin, TX (2003)
Lake Travis Middle School, Austin, TX (2002)
Explore UT, Austin, TX (2002)

Introductory Biology II (BIOS 202)
Introductory Lab Module in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (BIOS 213)
African Savanna Ecology and Paleoecology (BIOS/ANTH 323; new course developed Summer 2024)
Tropical Field Biology (BIOS 319; new course developed Summer 2012)
Insect Biology (BIOS 326)
Biological Diversity Lab (BIOS 327)
Insect Biology Lab (BIOS 330)
Advanced Communication in the Biological Sciences (EBIO 412; new course developed Fall 2010)
Graduate Core Course in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (BIOS 569; team-taught)
Seminar in Public Science Communication (NSCI 320/520; new course developed Spring 2017)
Evolution and Society (MLSC 558 / Master in Liberal Studies Program (new course developed Fall 2018)

Incredible Insects / Rice Glasscock School of Continuing Studies (new course developed Spring 2023)
Evolution Since Darwin / Rice Glasscock School of Continuing Studies (new course developed Fall 2019)
Rocky Mountain Ecosystems / Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (new course developed Summer 2019)
Methods in Field Ecology / Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
The Future of Human Evolution / Rice Glasscock School of Continuing Studies (new course developed Spring 2017)

Solomon, S. (2014) Rev. of Planet of the Bugs: The Evolution and Rise of Insects by Scott Richard Shaw. Washington Independent Review of Books.

IFL Science’s The Big Questions podcast (2024)
“Human Reproduction in Space” Humanity in Deep Space webinar (2024)                                                     “Longitude Sound Bytes Ep 123: Communicating Science” podcast (2024)
“CityCast Houston” podcast (2023)
“Reality Check” Austrian Public Radio (2022)
“CityCast Houston” podcast (2022)
“Becoming Martian: Episode 1″ CuriosityStream (2021)
“Becoming Martian: Episode 2″ CuriosityStream (2021)
“Becoming Martian: Episode 3″ CuriosityStream (2021)
“CityCast Houston” podcast (2021)
“Lucy in the Sky” podcast (2020)
“Life 2.0, Episode 1” Xploration Station (2020)
“The Bus Driver Experience” podcast (2020)
“Science Fantastic with Professor Michio Kaku” Talk Radio Network (2019)
“NASA’s Unexplained Files, Season 6, Episodes 1, 5, 6” Science Channel (2019)
“Houston Matters” KUFH Radio FM 88.7 (2019, 2016, 2014)
“Houston Museum of Natural Science – Facebook Live” (2019 x 2)
“Fox News Roundup” Fox News Network (2019)
“Daily Planet” Discovery Canada (2018)
Think Bigger Think Better” Podcast (2018)
“Academic Minute” Inside Higher Ed (2017)
“Big John and Ramblin’ Ray” WLS-AM Radio Chicago, IL (2017)
“On the Bus” Podcast (2017)
“Tech Insider” Business Insider (2016 x 2)
“Think” KERA Radio (2016)
“Yale Books” Podcast (2016)
“Radio Hotline with Dennis Price” WEBR Radio Fairfax, VA (2009)

Nominee, Piper Professor Award, Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation
Excellence in Outreach Award, Wiess School of Natural Sciences
Brown Foundation Teaching Grant
Finalist, George R. Brown Teaching Awards, Rice University
Favorite Professor, Rice Women’s Volleyball

Excellence in Academic Advising Award, Rice University Office of Academic Advising
Career Champion Award, Rice University Center for Career Development

Career Champion Award, Rice University Center for Career Development

Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award, Rice University

Brown Foundation Teaching Grant

Rising Star Award, University Laboratory High School
George R. Brown Teaching Award, Rice University

NSF RAPID: Ant community responses to a 1,000-year flooding event

Finalist, George R. Brown Teaching Awards, Rice University
Dr. Alemka Kisic Distinguished Service Award, Rice University
Honorary Associate, Baker College, Rice University

Brown Foundation Teaching Grant
National Park Service grant in support of bioblitz in Big Thicket National Preserve
Arthur A. Seeligson, Jr. Conservation Fund
Selected as Participant in Treybig Teaching & Innovation Colloquy (Rice CTE)

Thicket of Diversity Research Grant
Nominee, Chair of Faculty Fellows of Center for Teaching Excellence, Rice University
Finalist, George R. Brown Teaching Awards, Rice University

Prior to 2015:
Fellow, Center for Teaching Excellence, Rice University (2014-2017)
Brasil@Rice Travel Grant (2014)
Thicket of Diversity Research Grant (2013)
New Methods for Phylogenomics and Metagenomics Travel Award (2013)
Charles Duncan Award for Instruction in Natural Sciences (2012)
National Academies Education Fellow in the Life Sciences (2011-2012)
Brown Foundation Teaching Grant (2011)
Smithsonian Postdoctoral Fellowship (declined) (2011)
NSF International Research Fellowship (2007–2010)
NSF IGERT Fellowship in computational phylogenetics (2005–2007)
NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (2004–2007)
Hartman Graduate Fellowship (2005)
Zoology Scholarship Endowment for Excellence (2005)
Amazon Conservation Association Research Grant (2004)
Hartman Graduate Fellowship (2004)
Hamilton Graduate Fellowship (2003)
Hartman Graduate Fellowship (2003)
Dorothea Bennett Memorial Graduate Fellowship (2003)
Zoology Scholarship Endowment for Excellence (2002)
University Teaching Award, Nominee (2002)
OTS/STRI Post-Course Fellowship (2002)
Dorothea Bennett Memorial Graduate Fellowship (2001 x 2)
Dean’s Excellence Award (2000)

Lillie Stockseth (BS Student, Rice University): Using citizen science to track invasive ants in the Houston area

Alice Gong (BA Student, Rice University): Tool-use in the ant Aphaenogaster treatae
Kyle Dickens (BA Student, Rice University): Developing a citizen science approach to track invasive ants in east TX

Alice Gong (BA Student, Rice University): Tool-use in the ant Aphaenogaster treatae
Kyle Dickens (BA Student, Rice University): Developing a citizen science approach to track invasive ants in east TX

Cassidy Kempf (BS Student, Rice University): Competitive interactions between ant species in the Big Thicket National Preserve

Meghan Hager and Gabriela Zambrano (BS Students, Rice University): Ant community dynamics in the Big Thicket National Preserve

Gabriela Zambrano, Angela Yang and Radina Khalid (BS Students, Rice University): Ant community dynamics in the Big Thicket National Preserve

Brittney Olivarez (BS Student, Rice University): Insect diversity on the Rice campus

George Romar (BS Student, Rice University): The biogeographic context of recent speciation among Amazonian biota

Effie Rahman (BS Student, Rice University): Molecular characterization of social form of Red Imported Fire Ants (Solenopsis invicta); Nylanderia fulva natural history

Alexander K. Wu (BS Student, Rice University): Preparation and identification of ant specimens from Cocos Island, Costa Rica

Cauê T. Lopes (MS student, Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, Brazil): Ant diversity surveys of major Brazilian ecoregions

Divya Seval (BS student, U. Texas): PCR and sequencing of mtDNA and nDNA

Ame Wongsa, Lingda Tao, Shanila Tillekeratne, Carter Poage (BS students, U. Texas): Identification and curation methodology of Fijian ants

Sangamithra Narasimhan (BS student, U. Texas): PCR amplification of ant mtDNA

Heather Luong (BS student, U. Texas): PCR and sequencing of mtDNA and nDNA

Kenmon Kuon (BS student, U. Texas): Quantification of color in ants

Sin Park (BS student, U. Texas): Extraction of fungal DNA from preserved material

Shelly Haferkamp (BS student, U. Texas): PCR and sequencing of mtDNA

Associate Editor, Journal of Tropical Ecology
Scientific Advisor, Western Institute for Advanced Study
Board Member, Center for Civic Leadership Advisory Board
Divisional Advisor, Natural Sciences, Baker College
Committee Member, Teaching Professor Committee
Committee Member, University Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum
Committee Member, BioSciences Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Dept of BioSciences
Committee Member, Big Thicket Association Thicket of Diversity Science Committee
Member, Faculty Senate Working Group on Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Transfer Credit Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Men’s Basketball Club
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Pre-PA Club
Faculty Associate, Baker College
Faculty Advisor, Rice Association for African Development (RAADE)

Associate Editor, Journal of Tropical Ecology
Scientific Advisor, Western Institute for Advanced Study
Board Member, Center for Civic Leadership Advisory Board
Divisional Advisor, Natural Sciences, Baker College
Member, Faculty Senate Working Group on Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Committee Member, University Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum
Committee Member, BioSciences Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Dept of BioSciences
Committee Member, Big Thicket Association Thicket of Diversity Science Committee
Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Transfer Credit Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Men’s Basketball Club
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Pre-PA Club
Faculty Associate, Baker College

Associate Editor, Journal of Tropical Ecology
Board Member, Center for Civic Leadership Advisory Board
Divisional Advisor, Natural Sciences, Baker College
Committee Member, University Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum
Committee Member, BioSciences Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Dept of BioSciences
Committee Member, Big Thicket Association Thicket of Diversity Science Committee
Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Transfer Credit Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Men’s Basketball Club
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Pre-PA Club
Faculty Associate, Baker College

Associate Editor, Journal of Tropical Ecology
Board Member, Center for Civic Leadership Advisory Board
Divisional Advisor, Natural Sciences, Baker College
Committee Member, University Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum
Committee Member, BioSciences Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Dept of BioSciences
Committee Member, Natural Sciences Curriculum Committee
Committee Member, Las Cuevas Research Station Advisory Committee
Committee Member, Big Thicket Association Thicket of Diversity Science Committee
Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Transfer Credit Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Men’s Basketball Club
Faculty Associate, Baker College

Associate Editor, Journal of Tropical Ecology
Committee Member, University Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum
Committee Member and Subcommittee Chair, Natural Sciences Committee on Student Initiatives
Committee Member, BioSciences Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Dept of BioSciences
Committee Member, Natural Sciences Curriculum Committee
Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Transfer Credit Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Men’s Basketball Club
Faculty Associate, Baker College
Panelist, National Science Foundation BIO Advisory Panel
Committee Member, Big Thicket Association Thicket of Diversity Science Committee

Associate Editor, Journal of Tropical Ecology
Senator, Faculty Senate
Chair, University Working Group on the Use of the Pass/Fail Grading Option
Chair, BioSciences Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Dept of BioSciences
Committee Member, University Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum
Committee Member, Natural Sciences Curriculum Committee
Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Transfer Credit Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Men’s Basketball Club
Faculty Sponsor, EEB Graduate Student Association
Faculty Associate, Baker College

Senator, Faculty Senate
Chair, BioSciences Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Dept of BioSciences
Committee Member, Natural Sciences Curriculum Committee
Committee Member, University Benefits Committee
Committee Member, Campus Bookstore Advisory Committee
Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Transfer Credit Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Men’s Basketball Club
Faculty Sponsor, EEB Graduate Student Association
Faculty Associate, Baker College

Senator, Faculty Senate
Chair, BioSciences Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Dept of BioSciences
Committee Member, Natural Sciences Curriculum Committee
Committee Member, University Committee for Teaching
Committee Member, Campus Bookstore Advisory Committee
Committee Member, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Search Committee
Committee Member, Natural Sciences Strategic Planning Committee
Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Transfer Credit Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Men’s Basketball Club
Faculty Sponsor, EEB Graduate Student Association
Faculty Associate, Baker College

Chair, BioSciences Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Dept of BioSciences
Chair, Subcommittee on peer-peer interactions, University Committee on Teaching
Chair, EBIO Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Dept of BioSciences
Committee Member, Natural Sciences Curriculum Committee
Committee Member, University Committee for Teaching
Committee Member, Campus Bookstore Advisory Committee
Faculty Advisor, Center for Teaching Excellence Undergraduate Advisory Board
Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Transfer Credit Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Faculty Sponsor, Student-taught course on “The Endangered Species” by Lucrecia Aguilar
Judge, Rice Study Abroad Photo Contest
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Men’s Basketball Club
College Marshall, Commencement

Chair, Undergraduate Programs Task Force, Dept of BioSciences
Chair, EBIO Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Dept of BioSciences
Committee Member, University Committee for Teaching
Committee Member, Campus Bookstore Advisory Committee
Faculty Advisor, Center for Teaching Excellence Undergraduate Advisory Board
Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Transfer Credit Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Committee Member, Undergraduate Laboratory Renovation Committee, Dept of BioSciences
Panelist, Center for Teaching Excellence Symposium on Teaching & Learning
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Men’s Basketball Club
Judge, 2015 Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium
College Marshall, Commencement

Presentation, “Teaching Matters”, Center for Teaching Excellence
Chair, Undergraduate Programs Task Force, Dept of BioSciences
Chair, EBIO Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Dept of BioSciences
Committee Member, University Committee for Teaching
Committee Member, Vision Task Force, Dept of BioSciences
Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Transfer Credit Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Faculty Sponsor, Rice Men’s Basketball Club
College Marshall, Commencement
Panelist, Rice University Campus Sustainability Day
Reviewer, Misconceptions-Oriented Standards-Based Assessment Resources for Teachers (MOSART) High School Life Science project
Judge, Science and Engineering Fair of Houston Science Writing Contest
Judge, Rice Study Abroad Photo Contest
Judge, Greene Prize Environmental Writing Competition
Judge, 2014 Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium

Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
Transfer Credit Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dept of BioSciences
College Marshall, Commencement
Judge, Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium
Reviewer, Assessments for chs. 26, 27, & 28 in How Life Works, W.H. Freeman & Co.
Reviewer, STEMscopes online K-12 Science Curriculum

Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, EEB Dept
Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, EEB Dept
Judge, Centennial Research Poster Competition
Judge, 2012 Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium
Reviewer, How Life Works, Ch 21, Evolution: Change Over Time, W.H. Freeman & Co.
Reviewer, STEMscopes online K-12 Science Curriculum
Marshall, Rice University Centennial Academic Procession
Marshall, Commencement

Major Advisor, Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, EEB Dept
Committee Member, Educational Technologies Committee
Judge, Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium
College Marshall, Commencement
Reviewer, How Life Works, chapter 23, Evolutionary Patterns: Phylogeny and Fossils
Reviewer, STEMscopes online K-12 Science Curriculum

MIT Press, Princeton University Press, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series B, The American Naturalist, Evolution, Oecologia, Journal of Biogeography, Molecular Ecology, Systematic Entomology, Frontiers in Zoology, Insectes Sociaux, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Mycologia, Zoology, Entomological News, Journal of Applied Entomology, Journal of Insect Behavior, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 

Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Costa Rica (mainland and Cocos Island), Ecuador (mainland and Galapagos Islands), Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Tanzania, USA (Arizona, Illinois, Texas), Uruguay, Venezuela

BBC World Service, NBC News, Discover, New Scientist, Business Insider, Houston Chronicle, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Daily Planet (Discovery Canada), Houston Matters, KERA Think, NSF Science 360, Futurity, Science Daily, Ars Technica, Gizmodo, NASA’s Unexplained Files (Science Channel), The Academic Minute, New York Post, Daily Mail, Digital Journal, WLS-AM Radio (Chicago), International Business TimesMorning Ag Clips, Earthbeat (Radio Netherlands Worldwide), Folha de São Paulo (Brazil), Folha Online (Brazil), Ciencia Hoje (Brazil), Reality Check (Radio FM4, Austria) Fresh Ghana (Ghana), Houston Matters (KUFH Radio FM 88.7), Radio Hotline with Dennis Price (WEBR Radio, Fairfax, VA), Around The Mall (, Culture MapSputnik International, The Daily Texan, The Rice Thresher, Rice News

Oecologia Brasiliensis

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
The Explorers Club
Society for the Study of Evolution
Sigma Xi

Fluent in Portuguese and Spanish
Advanced SCUBA Diver (PADI)
Adult CPR and First Aid (American Red Cross)