Speaking at Texas State University

I had a great time visiting Texas State University in San Marcos last week, where I spoke as part of the Common Experience program. Despite the wet weather, there was a great turnout, with more than 250 students at the talk! I also got to visit with Dr. Julie Westerlund’s graduate biology course, who had read […]

Virginia Festival of the Book

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be participating in the 2017 Virginia Festival of the Book, March 22-26 in Charlottesville, VA! The schedule will be announced soon. For details, see: http://vabook.org/ or http://vabook.org/participant/scott-solomon/

Ars Technica article about Future Humans

Eric Berger at Ars Technica has a nice piece out that mentions my forthcoming book, Future Humans, and includes some quotes from an interview he did with me. Low gravity and high radiation: Would humans remain human on Mars? http://arstechnica.com/science/2016/06/low-gravity-and-high-radiation-would-humans-remain-human-on-mars/